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Outcome-based Education (OBE) Curriculum Development Workshop
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Yogyakarta, July 15, 2023 - Javanese Language Education, Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Culture, State University of Yogyakarta held a workshop with the theme OBE Curriculum Development on July 14-15, 2023 and was held at Royal Joglo Krakal Gunung Kidul. This workshop is intended to develop a curriculum that emphasizes the competencies that students get at the end of their learning experience.
The Javanese Language Education Study Program is committed to producing graduates who have reliable competencies by developing a good learning process as well. This motive is the driving force to develop the Outcome-based Education (OBE) curriculum. This curriculum focuses on the acquisition of competencies that can be used by students in the world of work and society, no longer centered on completing a set of materials within a certain period of time. In short, this curriculum demands the creativity of educators to create an innovative and interactive learning atmosphere.
Through this activity, lecturers participating in the workshop are expected to be able to develop the curriculum and its tools to produce qualified and competent graduates.
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