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Facilities and Infrastructure
The Javanese Language Education Study Program has provided several facilities to support conducive lecture activities and student self-development. Some facilities can be accessed by students at the university level, such as the library and digital library. Some facilities that can be accessed at the faculty level are the lecture building, academic service building, seminar room, courtroom, pendhapa and performance building. Other facilities are facilities that support student self-development in accordance with the distinctiveness of the Javanese Language Education Study Program. The pictures of these facilities are as follows:
- Library
- Digital Library
- Lecture Building
- Academic Service Building
- Seminar Room
- Courtroom
- Pendhapa
- Performance Stage
- Culture Laboratory
- Traditional Fashion Laboratory
- Karawitan Room (Traditional Javenese Music)
Contact Us
Jalan Colombo No. 1, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281
Telepon (0274) 550843, (0274) 546719 ext. 519, Fax (0274) 548207
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