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Javanese Language Education Study Program Held “Rumah Budaya” Program at Montessori Kalyca Bintaran Elementary School
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Yogyakarta, October 14, 2023 - During September-October, every Friday, the Javanese Language Education Study Program held Rumah Budaya (Cultural House) activities as a form of strengthening the existence of the Study Program. This activity is also carried out as an attempt to preserve and disseminate Javanese language and culture. This activity is a collaboration between the Javanese Language Education Study Program and SD Montessori Kalyca Bintaran.
This activity was carried out by providing training to students in four classes of elementary school which were divided into two categories, namely upper and lower. The materials taught were traditional dolanan, tembang dolanan, unggah-ungguh basa, introduction to puppet characters, and cultural performances. During the activity, besides being given Javanese language materials, students were also given the opportunity to practice directly in speaking and singing Javanese. Not only that, students also practiced performing Javanese art through a performance at the end of the meeting.
This activity is expected to be the beginning of a series of activities that will be carried out by Javanese Language Study Program UNY in an attempt to strengthen its existence in the fields of education, research, and service. Hopefully, Rumah Budaya activities will continue to be carried out in collaboration with other institutions.
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