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Yogyakarta, 15/03/2021-JASCO 2 is a continuation of JASCO 1 which was successfully carried out in the previous year. The Program for Globalizing Regional Languages from the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing in collaboration with the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State University, was officially opened by Plt. The Chancellor of UNY, Prof. Dr. Margana, M. Hum., MA, on Monday, March 15, 2021. An activity initiated by the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing to introduce Indonesia more closely. At the opening ceremony, attended by Atdikbud KBR Beijing (Yaya Sutarya, M.Pd.), Head of the Indonesian Language Agency (Prof. Dr. Endang Aminudin Aziz), Plt. UNY Chancellor (Prof. Dr. Margana, M. Hum., MA), Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation (Dr. rer. nat. Gymnastics), Head of WCU UNY (Prof. Dr. Muh. Bruri Triyono, M.Pd. ), the Head of KUIK UNY, the Dean of the Faculty of Language and Arts UNY, Lecturers of the Java Language Education Study Program, and study program students as volunteers. From China, there were lecturers and trainee students from 18 universities in China.
The Language Class contains material on Javanese vocabulary, the structure of the Javanese language, conversations in Javanese, and others. while the culture class will introduce Javanese language uploads, Javanese songs, batik and Javanese traditional clothing, Javanese culinary arts, children's dance, and traditional Javanese dances. In practice, the class will be divided into three small classes for the language class, while the culture class will be conducted in large groups. With the activity initiated by the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing to "Globalize Regional Languages" it is hoped that the Javanese language will be more popular and will increase the interest of foreigners to learn Javanese language and culture.
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