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Doctoral Program Proposal Drafting Meeting (S3) PBSBD
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Yogyakarta, 20 April 2021, Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa held an offline meeting to finalize the preparation of the Doctoral Program (S3) proposal for Language, Literature, and Regional Culture Education (PBSBD) which took place in the Lecture Building 1, 2nd floor, Faculty of Language and Arts, UNY. The meeting was attended by several study program lecturers. One of the things discussed in the meeting was the finalization of the names of the courses to be offered and the number of credits to be taken. The lecturers who will be in charge are also discussed in the meeting, as well as preparation for making course descriptions, etc. In addition to discussing the finalization of the preparation of the PBSBD Doctoral Program (S3) proposal, this meeting also discussed the revision of the S2 PBJ curriculum and the acceleration of supervising the final assignment of S2 students.
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