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Sleman, October 25, 2020, the 2020 Javanese Language Student Association held Sesrawungan ing Masarakat (SESIMA) which is one of the work programs of the Public Relations Division. SESIMA, which is funded by the DIPA budget, aims to introduce and preserve the culture of the area visited to the HIMA JAWA community. This year's SESIMA was held on October 25, 2020, in Dayakan Hamlet, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman. At the annual event, namely the "Umbul Kamulyan" event. Even though this event was held live on YouTube, it did not reduce the essence and meaning of this event, namely a form of gratitude to God for the umbul which was the source of life for local residents.
Because it is still in the pandemic period, Dayakan Hamlet only allows 15 people from HIMA JAWA to participate in this event. The series of events before October 25, 2020 took place, namely preparing the event, for male students to help with heavy work such as making gunungan, while female students helped mothers cook in the kitchen. Meanwhile, on the day of the implementation, we from HIMA JAWA were asked to be among the guests at the event which was held at Joglo Kalibening Dayakan. Because of the warm welcome from the residents to us (HIMA JAWA) made us feel at home and very reluctant to the residents. "If there was no corona virus, there could have been more than 15 people, the event could also be more crowded than last year yo isa luwih rame saka taun wingi" Mr. Djumar, Head of Dayakan Hamlet. (Public Relations of Hima Jawa)
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