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Aksara Clinic: Javanese Script Training for Students of Senior High School 1 Seyegan | ꦏ꧀ꦭꦶꦤꦶꦏ꧀ꦲꦏ
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Yogyakarta, 22 December 2023 - The Javanese Language Education Study Program, through the Rumah Budaya (Cultural House) program, conducted another Javanese language training in educational institutions. This time the students conducted a script training program at SMA 1 Seyegan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The training entitled "Klinik Aksara" (Aksara Clinic) was initiated by the principal of SMA 1 Seyegan so that students can write and read Javanese characters fluently. The training was held for two weeks from December 11 to December 21 and was attended by students of class X and class XII.
Besides aiming to improve students' competence in reading and writing Javanese script, this activity is also planned to preserve Javanese culture. Javanese script as part of Javanese culture does not only involve letters. However, there are philosophies, noble values, and history that must be understood and then internalized by the younger generation.
With the spirit of preserving Javanese culture, the Aksara Clinic training program is also expected to have a greater and more positive impact on the participants and the wider community. To get a broad impact, the sustainability of this program also needs to be considered. Fatkur Rohman Nur Awalin, M.Pd. As the mentoring lecturer of this activity said "Aksara Clinic activities need conscious, consistent, and sustainable efforts so that the younger generation is more familiar with Javanese script and able to read it."
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